Study abroad, settle in Europe, America, Australia
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USA Professional and Skilled Job Visas
The United States has a priority policy to recruit engineers, nurses, restaurant and hotel managers, chefs, agricultural professionals and more. You and your family can live and work in the US states, your family. You can own real estate in the US, and your children can go to public school for free. Contact our team of experts to advise on the profession to match your skills, lifestyle, etc. We are proud to accompany your success on the path of personal development and your career throughout the five continents.
The U.S. offers visas for professional, skilled and unskilled workers as a way to obtain permanent residency:
Requirements for Workers Visa
Get a job offer for permanent, full-time employment from a U.S. company that is a sponsor
Be a professional worker with the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor degree
OR be a skilled worker with at least 2 years job experience or training
OR be an unskilled worker in work that requires less than 2 years of experience or training that is not temporary or seasonal labor
The Benefits
Obtain permanent resident status green card
Travel freely to and from the U.S.
You can bring your spouse, and dependents under 21 years old. The spouse may work in the U.S. and dependents can attend U.S. schools and universities without need of a student visa

Let us help you to fulfill your dream by calling or emailing us today!